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Vahejahuti häälestuses


Vahejahuti häälestamisel Retrofiit vahejahuti: vahejahuti eelised häälestamisel

Do you push the accelerator pedal and have to wait a while or do you feel a significant drop in performance? Then you've probably already thought about retrofitting your intercooler. This is because the intercooler plays a major role, especially in turbocharged engines. These become so hot due to the supercharged air that the engine can no longer work optimally. The original components often fail, which is why retrofitting your intercooler makes sense in any case.Retrofitting intercooler: What does that actually mean?Retrofitting the intercooler means that you install an intercooler that meets the requirements to which it is subjected. In the case of professional intercooler tuning, it means that it can cool down the amount of charge air that your turbocharger needs in the best possible way. There are different systems for charge air cooling, all of which have this purpose. Which system is particularly advantageous depends on the engine itself and the space in the engine compartment.How does an aftermarket intercooler work?Your turbocharger is there to compress the intake air so that more oxygen can get into the engine for the same volume. This allows more fuel to be burned, which is necessary for extreme performance. However, the temperatures of the intake air go extremely high due to the compression. And this in turn decreases the oxygen content in the air and the performance decreases. At least with the original intercoolers installed, which were not designed for performance-enhanced engines. A retrofitted intercooler has a larger volume and can therefore cool down more charge air. The cooling itself is also optimized so that as little pressure as possible is lost. Especially intercooler with Flow Distribution System (FDS) are designed for highest performance: They ensure the best possible air flow and thus efficient cooling.Which systems are suitable for retrofitting the intercooler?Depending on the engine and the space in the engine compartment, you have two options for retrofitting your intercooler: water-cooled or air-cooled. The water-cooled intercooler are particularly suitable for cars with little space. Although they consist of three components (water cooler for the intake air, circulation pump and intercooler), they still take up less space than the second method. A big advantage here is that the paths for the intake air are extremely short, which significantly reduces turbo lag and ensures higher performance with the same charge pressure.

Õhkjahutusega meetodi puhul tagab alumiiniumist jahutusvõrgust valmistatud suur radiaator piisava jahutuspinna sisselaskeõhu tõhusaks jahutamiseks. Voolu optimeeritud ribid ja kanalid tagavad jaheda õhu ja väikseima võimaliku rõhukao.Millised on tagantjärele paigaldatud vahejahuti eelised?Kui soovite oma vahejahutit moderniseerida, huvitab teid tõenäoliselt peamiselt jõudluse suurenemine. Sest vahejahuti on häälestuses üks esimesi "ehitusplatse". Seda seetõttu, et saate sellest mõne protsendi võrra rohkem võimsust vaid mõne kraadi Celsiuse järgi: keskmiselt umbes viis kuni kümme protsenti! Selle saavutate, kuna jahedam õhk sisaldab sama mahuga rohkem hapnikku. See muudab kogu põlemisprotsessi tõhusamaks.

Jõudlus pole aga kaugeltki kõik, mida uuendus endaga kaasa toob. Kuna optimeeritud radiaator tekitab palju vähem vasturõhku, saavutab teie turbo vajaliku laadimisrõhu palju kiiremini. Seetõttu mõjub see väiksemale koormusele ja reageerib paremini. Tänu optimeeritud õhuvoolule suureneb ka mootori ja turboülelaaduri löögikindlus ja efektiivsus. Eelkõige voolujaotuskanalitega radiaatorid tagavad, et laadimisõhk jaotub kogu radiaatori pinnale ning sissepuhkeõhu temperatuur on ühtlane.

Uuendatud vahejahuti sobib ideaalselt ka jätkusuutlikkuse tagamiseks. Seda seetõttu, et tõhusus vähendab ka kütusekulu ja saasteaineid eraldub vähem. Kokkuvõttes peab teie mootor lihtsalt palju kauem vastu.

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